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Sunni sources claim that Abu Bakr took responsibility for preparing and burying the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while Imam Ali (AS), due to his intense grief, was unable to participate. Is this account accurate?

Reliable Sunni sources acknowledge that Imam Ali (AS) performed the washing, shrouding, and burial rites of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and led the first prayer over his body. Others, including the Prophet’s uncle Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib and his sons Qutham and Fadl, assisted Imam Ali (AS) in these rites. Prominent Sunni scholars and historians, such as Ibn Hisham in Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, Ibn Sa'd in Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, and Ibn Kathir in Al-Bidaya wa’l-Nihaya, affirm that Imam Ali (AS) was responsible for the burial and shrouding of the Prophet, providing the names of those who helped him. There is no mention of Abu Bakr as the washer of the Prophet in these sources.

The Prophet's (PBUH) Will

In Jami' al-Ahadith, Al-Suyuti narrates a tradition stating that before his passing, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) requested that Imam Ali (AS) wash his body.[1]

Washing of the Prophet in Sunni Sources

Ibn Sa'd, a prominent historian and biographer of the 2nd and 3rd centuries AH known as Katib al-Waqidi, recounts in Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra an incident from Ka'b al-Ahbar. Ka'b al-Ahbar asked the second caliph what the Prophet (PBUH) had said during his final moments. Umar pointed to Ali (AS) and said, “Ask him.” Ali (AS) replied that, with the Prophet’s head resting on his shoulder, the Prophet had said, “Prayer, prayer…” Ka'b then asked, “Who washed the Prophet?” Umar again directed him to Ali (AS), who responded, ::“I washed the Prophet, while Abbas was seated, and Usama ibn Zayd, a companion of the Prophet, along with Shuqran, the Prophet’s servant, poured water.”[2]

Ibn Hisham, a 3rd-century historian and author of the most renowned biography of the Prophet, mentions the individuals involved in the washing: Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Fadl ibn Abbas, Qutham ibn Abbas, Usama ibn Zayd, Shuqran, and Aws ibn Khawli from the Ansar. He describes the washing process: Ali (AS) held the Prophet’s body against his chest, with Abbas and his sons Fadl and Qutham assisting in moving the body as needed, while Usama and Shuqran poured water. Ali (AS) washed the Prophet from under his garment.[3] In a narration cited by Al-Suyuti, it is said that Fadl lifted the Prophet’s body to enable Imam Ali (AS) to wash him.[4] Some traditions also mention the presence of Gabriel among those attending to the Prophet's washing.[5]

The Prophet's Burial in Sunni Sources

Ibn Hisham mentions that Imam Ali (AS), along with Fadl and Qutham, sons of the Prophet’s uncle Abbas, and Shuqran, were responsible for the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) burial and entered his grave.[6] This account is echoed by Sunni scholars like Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari in Usd al-Ghabah[7], Ibn Kathir in Al-Bidaya wa’l-Nihaya[8], and al-Bayhaqi in Dala’il al-Nubuwwa[9], who state that only Ali (AS) and his close companions participated in the burial of the Prophet.

Al-Tabari (d. 310 AH), a prominent Sunni historian, writes in Tarikh al-Umam wa’l-Muluk that there was initial disagreement regarding the Prophet's burial location. Some suggested al-Baqi', others the mosque, and some proposed his home. Ultimately, it was decided to bury him in the very room where he passed away. The grave was prepared by Abu Ubayda al-Jarrah, a companion, and Abu Talha al-Ansari, and the burial was carried out by Imam Ali (AS) with the assistance of the Prophet’s uncle Abbas and his sons Fadl and Qutham.[10] According to some Sunni sources, Abu Bakr narrated a tradition from the Prophet that “Prophets are buried in the place where they die.” Consequently, Abu Talha prepared the grave in the room where the Prophet had passed.[11] Meanwhile, al-Tabarani narrates that Imam Ali (AS), Ibn Abbas, and Abu Bakr jointly buried the Prophet.[12]

The Funeral Prayer over the Prophet's Body

Sunni sources also recount that Imam Ali (AS) was the first to lead the prayer over the Prophet's body, followed by the Prophet’s companions who prayed in groups. According to the historian Ibn Kathir, the Prophet had instructed that his body be washed and shrouded by the men of his household, who would also lead the first prayers over his body. Thereafter, others were to pray, and following the men, the women would offer their prayers as well.[13] Reports indicate that the funeral prayers were performed individually, with groups of ten people entering to pay their respects one at a time.[14] Sunni sources also mention that angels, including Gabriel, prayed over the Prophet’s body.[15]


  1. Jāmiʿ al-Aḥādīth. بی‌جا. p. 135. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |ویرایش= (help); Unknown parameter |جلد= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |سال= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام خانوادگی= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام= ignored (help)
  2. Ibn Saʿd, Muḥammad, al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kubrā, Beirut, Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1410 AH, vol. 2, p. 202.
  3. Ibn Hishām, ʿAbd al-Malik, al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah, Beirut, Dār al-Maʿrifah, n.d., vol. 2, pp. 622–663.
  4. Jāmiʿ al-Aḥādīth. بی‌جا. p. 135. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |ویرایش= (help); Unknown parameter |جلد= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |سال= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام خانوادگی= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام= ignored (help)
  5. al-Muʿjam al-Kabīr. Cairo. p. 58. {{cite book}}: |first= missing |last= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |ویرایش= (help); Unknown parameter |جلد= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |سال= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام خانوادگی= ignored (help)
  6. Ibn Hishām, ʿAbd al-Malik, al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah, Beirut, Dār al-Maʿrifah, n.d., vol. 2, p. 664.
  7. Ibn Athīr Jazrī, ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad, Usd al-Ghābah fī Maʿrifat al-Ṣaḥābah, Beirut, Dār al-Fikr, 1409 AH, vol. 2, p. 388.
  8. Ibn Kathīr, Ismāʿīl ibn ʿUmar, al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah, Beirut, Dār al-Fikr, 1407 AH, vol. 5, p. 269.
  9. Al-Bayhaqī, Aḥmad ibn Ḥusayn, Dalāʾil al-Nubuwwah wa Maʿrifat Aḥwāl Ṣāḥib al-Sharīʿah, Beirut, Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah, 1405 AH, vol. 7, p. 254.
  10. Al-Ṭabarī, Muḥammad ibn Jarīr, Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk, Beirut, Muʾassasat al-Aʿlamī, n.d., vol. 2, p. 452.
  11. Al-Ṭabarī, Muḥammad ibn Jarīr, Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk, Beirut, Muʾassasat al-Aʿlamī, n.d., vol. 2, p. 452.
  12. al-Muʿjam al-Kabīr. Cairo. p. 58. {{cite book}}: |first= missing |last= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |ویرایش= (help); Unknown parameter |جلد= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |سال= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام خانوادگی= ignored (help)
  13. Ibn Kathīr, Ismāʿīl ibn ʿUmar, al-Bidāyah wa al-Nihāyah, Beirut, Dār al-Fikr, 1407 AH, vol. 5, p. 266.
  14. Khorshīd-e Nubuwwat (Farsi translation of al-Raḥīq al-Makhtūm by Muḥammad ʿAlī Lisānī Fashārakī) (Mohammad Ali Lisani Fisjaraki ed.). 1381. p. 732-735. {{cite book}}: |first= missing |last= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |جلد= (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام خانوادگی= ignored (help)
  15. al-Muʿjam al-Kabīr. Cairo. p. 58. {{cite book}}: |first= missing |last= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |ویرایش= (help); Unknown parameter |جلد= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |سال= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |ناشر= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |نام خانوادگی= ignored (help)

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