Characteristics of Zionism

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    What are the characteristics of Zionists?

    The characteristics of Zionism are often described as racism, materialism, wealth accumulation through illegitimate means, and land grabbing to achieve political dominance over the territories of other nations.

    Zionists consider Jews to be a superior race endowed with virtue and honor, while viewing non-Jews as inferior, despised, and subservient to them. Zionists have an intense desire for wealth and material gain, and practices such as usury and bribery are more prevalent among them than others. Zionists are willing to engage in any action to achieve wealth, even if it contradicts their religious beliefs or jeopardizes the dignity and reputation of others.

    Another enduring characteristic of the Zionist movement is their greed for land acquisition. This trait is considered a political phenomenon because Zionists believe that the presence of Israel in a region is only guaranteed when Jews settle there, seize the land, and cultivate it themselves.


    It is said that Zionists consider Jews to be a superior race endowed with virtue and honor, while viewing non-Jews as inferior, despised, and subservient to them.[1] It is also reported that they regard non-Jews as beings on the level of animals and livestock.[2] Some believe that this ideology has caused widespread hatred and disgust toward them throughout history. It is also considered the foundation for the establishment of the racist state of Israel.[3]

    Nahum Sokolow (1859–1936), whom Zionists regard as one of their prominent thinkers, stated: "Among civilized nations, Jews are undoubtedly the purest."[4]

    Eli Lobel, an Israeli citizen of Jewish descent, said: "Arabs living in Israel have been made to understand that they belong to an inferior class. Zionists have implemented a system of discriminatory laws against non-Jews. As far as we know, no one denies the existence of the extraordinarily discriminatory laws imposed on Arabs living in Israel."[5]

    Israel Shahak, the head of the Israeli Human Rights Committee, wrote in his book: "In Israel… even animals and plants are classified as Jewish and non-Jewish. The ultimate goal of the government is to classify people in an absolute and decisive manner. He also writes: The only thing prohibited in Israel (regarding marriage) is the marriage of two people from different religions."[6]

    Another Zionist, speaking about the purity of the Jewish race, said: "Jews, like blacks and women, must be liberated; but for Jews, this liberation takes a more awkward form because, unlike blacks, Jews belong to a pure race."[7]

    Max Nordau, a German Jewish writer and Zionist political leader, declared in 1897 that Jews are a more industrious and capable people than the average Europeans, while describing Asians and Africans as lazy and lethargic compared to Jews.[8]

    Researchers believe that Zionists ignore or distort anything that hinders their harmful activities. They emphasize that Zionist scholars and politicians knew that to achieve their goals, they had to rely on extreme ethnic nationalism, portraying the Jewish race as the purest among civilized nations.[9]

    Materialism and Wealth Accumulation

    Another distinctive characteristic of Zionists is their intense desire for wealth and material gain. According to this trait, practices such as usury and bribery are more prevalent among them than others. It is said that Zionists are willing to engage in any action to achieve wealth, even if it contradicts their religious beliefs or jeopardizes the dignity and reputation of others. Zionists resort to any trick or crime to seize the resources of nations because, in the view of Zionist Jews, might makes right, and freedom is an illusion. They believe that only the powerful can succeed in politics.[10]

    If the origins of Zionism, particularly the establishment of the State of Israel, are examined, one of their illegal actions is the seizure of Arab lands in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. Sabri Jaris writes about this: "The motivation behind the Israelis' determination to seize the most fertile lands and properties of the Arabs was nothing but greed for wealth. They often handed over the seized properties to Jewish groups living near Arab villages. Thus, state-owned lands increased significantly. Some employees of the military government amassed great wealth through land and real estate transactions. The occasional scandals revealed the extent of their bribery. One of the military government offices, responsible for administrative duties related to non-registered lands, encouraged all forms of bribery. It could be said that bribery was an inseparable part of the Zionist administrative system."[11]

    Land Grabbing

    Another enduring characteristic of the Zionist movement is their greed for land acquisition. This trait is considered a political phenomenon for two reasons:

    Zionists believe that the presence of Israel in a region is only guaranteed when Jews settle there, seize the land, and cultivate it themselves.[12] If political dominance over a land is interpreted as requiring the possession of larger and more extensive territories, the logical conclusion is that to sever the political ties of Arabs to their land, their connection to their properties must be destroyed.[13] Sabri Jaris says about this: "In our opinion, before the establishment of the State of Israel, the first view was dominant because, at that time, the lands purchased by Zionist Jews were far from sufficient to provide a new life for immigrants. The second view has been their hallmark since the establishment of the state."

    The illegal acquisition of land and the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from their ancestral territories stem, on one hand, from the Zionists' materialism and greed for wealth, as they are willing to trample on the rights of others to achieve worldly gains. On the other hand, their sense of superiority and racism has caused intense global disdain toward them, isolating them in international forums. This isolation and frustration have sown the seeds of hostility in their hearts, leading them to establish their own state, thus laying the foundations of the Zionist state.[14]


    1. Ja'far Morteza Ameli, Al-Sahih min Sira al-Nabi al-A'zam, Qom, Dar al-Hadith Scientific and Cultural Institute, 1426 AH, vol. 4, p. 119.
    2. Morteza Ameli, Al-Sahih min Sira al-Nabi al-A'zam, vol. 4, p. 119.
    3. Nasser Makarem Shirazi et al., Tafsir Nemuneh, Tehran, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyyah, 1373 SH, vol. 1, p. 324.
    4. Yuri Ivanov, Zionism, translated by Ebrahim Yunsi, Tehran, Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, 1356 SH, p. 76.
    5. Ivanov, Zionism, p. 76.
    6. Yuri Ivanov, The World Under Zionist Domination, n.p., Sepah Publications, 1361 SH, p. 108; also: Sabri Jaris and Eli Lobel, Zionism in Palestine, translated by Manouchehr Fekri Ershad, Tehran, Toos Publications, 1350 SH, p. 50.
    7. Ivanov, The World Under Zionist Domination, p. 109.
    8. Ivanov, Zionism, p. 76.
    9. Ivanov, Zionism, p. 76.
    10. Ivanov, Zionism, p. 76.
    11. Jaris and Lobel, Zionism in Palestine, p. 59.
    12. Jaris and Lobel, Zionism in Palestine, pp. 11–13.
    13. Jaris and Lobel, Zionism in Palestine, pp. 11–13.
    14. Jaris and Lobel, Zionism in Palestine, pp. 11–13.