Interpretation of the Verse about the Marriage of Fornicators with Fornicatresses or Polytheists

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What is meant by the 3rd verse of sura al-Nur, which says “a fornicator does not marry except with a fornicatress or a polytheist”?

In Sura al-Nur verse 3, God says that fornicators shall not marry except with a fornicatress or a polytheist and it is forbidden for believers to marry these people. This verse is a ruling for those fornicators on whom, as a result of committing fornication, the hadd has been imposed, but they have not quitted this act. This verse does not consider such a person worthy of marrying a chaste Muslim woman. Likewise, a woman who has committed fornication and the hadd has been imposed on her but has not given up fornication cannot marry a chaste Muslim man.

Text of the Verse

Cause of Revelation

On the cause of revelation (sha’n al-nuzul) of this verse, Imam al-Baqir (a) and Imam al-Sadiq (a) said that this verse was revealed about women who were practicing fornication during the time of the Prophet (s). By revealing this verse, God forbade Muslims from marrying them. This ruling is still implemented nowadays. If any person becomes famous for this act and hadd is imposed on him, a chaste Muslim shall not marry him until his repentance is proven.

Meaning of the Verse

This verse explains one of the rulings of fornicators on whom, as a result of committing fornication, the hadd has been imposed, but they have not quitted this act. This verse bans such a person from marrying a chaste Muslim woman. Likewise, a woman who has committed fornication and the hadd has been imposed on her but has not given up fornication cannot marry a chaste Muslim man. In verse 26 of this sura, God says, “Vicious women are for vicious men, and vicious men for vicious women. Good women are for good men, and good men for good women.” 24:26.


  • This article is mainly taken from "تفسیر آیه ازدواج افراد زناکار با زناکار یا مشرک" on Persian Wikipasokh.