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Bahira: Difference between revisions

4,826 bytes added ,  Friday at 19:15
Created page with "{{text start}} {{question}} Some claim that the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) met a Christian monk named **Bahira** during a journey to Syria and learned the Quran from him or that Bahira played a significant role in the emergence of Islam. Is this claim accurate?{{question end}} {{Answer}} **Bahira** was a Christian monk who met **Abu Talib** and **Muhammad (SAWA)** during their trade journey to Syria. Bahira emphasized to them that Muhammad was no ordinary child and bore..."
(Created page with "{{text start}} {{question}} Some claim that the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) met a Christian monk named **Bahira** during a journey to Syria and learned the Quran from him or that Bahira played a significant role in the emergence of Islam. Is this claim accurate?{{question end}} {{Answer}} **Bahira** was a Christian monk who met **Abu Talib** and **Muhammad (SAWA)** during their trade journey to Syria. Bahira emphasized to them that Muhammad was no ordinary child and bore...")
(No difference)
